Tipaimukh Dam

Imphal, Aug 15 : Close on the heels of the Forest Advisory Committee of MoEF rejecting forest clearance for Tipaimukh Hydroelectric Multipurpose Project (THEP) in Manipur side in its hearing on July 11-12, various bodies have urged the FAC to desist from according Forest Clearance for proposed 1500 MW THEP for impacts on forest in Mizoram.

Aizawl based Affected People's Association of Tipaimukh Hydro-Electric Project; the Citizens Concern for Dam Citizens Concern for Dam and Development and Committee on the Protection of Natural Resources in Manipur have insisted the Forest Advisory Committee, in a separate representations to desist from according Forest Clearance for proposed 1500 MW Tipaimukh Hydroelectric Multipurpose project for impacts on forest in Mizoram.

CCDD and CPNRM in a joint representation to Jude Sekhar, Chairperson of FAC, DG of Forest and Special Secretary, MoEF, registered strong objection to the idea of having a separate forest clearance for the forest impacts in Mizoram side only due to the proposed construction of 1500MW Tipaimukh Hydroelectric Multipurpose Project (THEP) .

Highlighting that the land and forest to be destroyed due to THEP in Mizoram belong to the Hmar indigenous people, handed over to them by their forefathers through generations, the CCDD and CPNRM pointed out that both Manipur and Mizoram fall in the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot, a globally recognised area with rich and diverse flora and fauna species.

Raising concern over the massive damages to be caused on the forest by THEP, the CCDD and CPNRM also pointed out that the proposed THEP would directly affect fourteen Hmar tribal villages in Sinlung Hills of Mizoram.

The climate change implications of loss of forest in the two contagious States of Mizoram and Manipur due to the proposed THEP have never been assessed and are ignored by the dam proponent, both the NHPC and NEEPCO, it stated.

Forest clearance for the proposed THEP should not be conceded by the FAC, MoEF for the forest impacts in Mizoram side only, it demanded.

The CCDD and CPNRM further urged the FAC to recommend the full implementation of the World Commission on Dams and all the provisions of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 2007 .