Learn self-defence, Mary Kom tells girls

Olympic bronze medallist pugilist MC Mary Kom feels that girls should avoid to go at risky places in the night hours and should know the self-defence techniques to save themselves from the anti-social people.
Mary Kom arrived in the city on Tuesday to participate in Shikhar Khel Alankaran Samaroh, which was awarded by chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.
“I feel very sad when I listen about rape incident. I have no words to explain my feeling but I want to say one thing that girls can protect themselves by being cautious. They should avoid going at risky places and more than this self-defence is very important for girls,” she added.
Talking about her success, five time world champion MC Mary Kom said when I started boys used to laugh at me.
They feel that girls can’t be a boxer but instead of getting demotivated, I took it as a challenge. I proved it by winning five titles in the world championship.
I want to give credit of my success to my husband who always supported me.
Extending her words in the interest of girls, Mary Kom said, “I want to request to all families who feels that girls can’t achieve success after marriage. They can achieve success at any point of time so people should not stop their daughters and daughtersin-law in doing something.”
About her planning to shift from Manipur to Bangalore, Mary Kom said, “My family will shift to Bangalore for the future of my children. As Bangalore is a nice place for study. But I will remain live in Manipur and try to develop more Olympians from my boxing academy. Manipur government is supportive and I don’t have any issue in the Manipur.”
About the movie on her biography, Mary Kom said, “When the director had approached me for the film, I get surprised. But now, I am excited to see my life in the cinema. I have given script to the directors.”
She kept mum when it was asked that how much money she is charging for film.
MC MARY Kom said, “In India, there are very few senior boxers who are performing well at international level. Within a few years, we will have more boxers who will hopefully win medals for the country at international level.
Supporting the leagues format, MC Mary Kom said, “The introduction of boxing league will help in promoting boxing in India. It will increase the level of competition in India. I think it’s a good thing and association should introduce it.”