HPC(D) and Mizoram govt differ on SoO extension

Hmar People's Convention (Democrats) delegation member Lalmuanpuia Punte today clarified that both the state government and the HPC (D) wanted extension of the Suspension of Operations (SoO), but differed on the period of extension.

Punte told PTI while the government stuck to the extension of SoO for six months, the HPC (D) wanted that it should be extended till September and that political level talks be held during September.

The talks held on July 18 and August 14 in Aizawl ran into deadlock due to the disagreement on the period of extension of the SoO, he said.

He said that as discussed in the earlier talks, they wanted extension of the SoO but also wanted to ensure the sincerity of the government in finding solution to the Hmar problems.

State chief minister Lal Thanhawla earlier accused the HPC (D) of not agreeing to extension of the SoO.