The seizure was made after three sympathizers of an underground group were arrested by cops early on Thursday. Following a tip off, commandos of Imphal West and Bishnupur district detained the trio at Kumbi village, sources said. After interrogating them, they carried out a search and found the explosives which were kept near a fish farm. The seized items were displayed at the police complex in the state capital.
On the other hand, Assam Rifles jawans have confiscated 10.5 kg of pangolin shells, three mobile phones and seven SIM cards from two tribal women in the Khudengtabi area of Chandel district bordering Myanmar.
Discovering transportation of animal parts, troops of 31 Assam Rifles launchedoperation at Khudengthabion Wednesday and intercepted two women from a jeepheading towards the border town of Moreh.
Thiengte and Theneilhing, along with the seized items, have been handed over to the Manipur forestdepartment in Imphal, said a statement of the force.