Two policemen raped a 15-year-old girl, who is a grade 8 student, in Tunzang Township, Chin State on 11 April.
The two policemen, lance corporal Phyo Ko Ko and Phyo Pai from Tunzang Township Police Station called at the victim’s home at 8pm on 11 April and told her that her sick elder sister wanted them to bring the victim to see her sister.
But, the two policemen did not take her to see her sister. Instead,
they took her to Electrical Office Road, one and a half miles out of
town, where they forcibly raped her.The two policemen, lance corporal Phyo Ko Ko and Phyo Pai from Tunzang Township Police Station called at the victim’s home at 8pm on 11 April and told her that her sick elder sister wanted them to bring the victim to see her sister.
Both of the policemen are friends of the elder sister’s husband.
Later, the two policemen went to the victim’s home and tried to negotiate a deal where they paid the victim 3 million kyats to cancel the case, but the victim and her family refused the deal and reported the rape at Tunzang police Station on 20 April.
After the family reported the rape the police authorities arrested Phyo Ko Ko and Phyo Pai and have charged them under Section 376/114 (rape).