Gaikhangam who holds the home portfolio said this while replying to a question by Singhat MLA Ginsuanghau of Churachandpur district, on the present status of SoO between the state, centre and kuki militants in Manipur.
The SoO has been started in the state of Manipur between the two umbrella bodies of Kuki militants- namely Kuki National Organisation(KNO) and United People’s Front(UPF) and its has been extended from time to time.
There are 18 armed groups under KNO while another 8 more groups under UPF, according to Gaikhangam. However the SoO has not been extended since August 21 last year.Highlighting the reason for discontinuation of the talks after the expiry of the agreement on August 22 last year, Home minister said the periodic tripartite talks for further extension of the SoO could not be organised because of the involved group’s proposal for holding such talks in National capital.
However the state government will appraise the matter to centre for necessary steps to hold the talk soon. At the same time the groups involved also should create a conducive atmosphere ,he appealed.
So the state is waiting for fixing of the date for tripartite meeting and signing of the agreement for the extension from the Union Ministry of home affairs,he added.
Reacting to another question that central and state government has agreed to the extension of SoO unofficially, he clarified that there is no unofficial extension of SoO between the involved parties.
Out of 2,731 underground cadres belonging to various armed groups operating in the State who are being provided assistance under Centre’s surrender policy, 1122 belong to different groups under KNO, 1059 under UPF, according to a statement given by Gaikhangam in last year’s assembly session.