In his complaint to the police, the 26-year-old Thadou Student Association president has alleged that a 25-year-old city-based woman, Priyanka Ravi, has posted a hate comment on Facebook, to a media report on Mr Haokip’s attack, which took place on a roadside eatery near Hennur Road Cross.
The Facebook comment, “U deserved it, U Swine!!!” was posted on October 16. But Mr Haokip learnt about the incident only on Saturday noon.
He told Deccan Chronicle, “I learnt about the comment after one of my juniors in the college told me. I sent a formal mail to the police informing them about the hate comment and also requested the cyber crime police to look into the matter and gather details about the woman who has left the message.”
He said that he would not exert pressure on the city police to speed up the investigation as the procedure would take time and he had full faith in city cops.
The police said, “If the victim is willing to take up the matter seriously, the police will initiate legal action. We are looking into the matter.” On October 14, Mr Haokip, Rocky Kipgen and Ngamkholen Haokip were assaulted.