ATSUM lauds Manipur police chief

IMPHAL, Oct 10 : The Manipur police chief has been lauded by All Tribal Students' Union, Manipur (ATSUM) for taking up encouraging initiatives for the common good of the society.

ATSUM said today that Manipur director general of police (DGP) MK Das has been doing the 'clean-up' job in the bureaucracy. "This kind of intitiative is a long felt need of the hour," said ATSUM. "It is not only the political matter but much so in the system which all of us need to help evapourizing short falls for delivering the goods to the people," the ATSUM added.

Meanwhile, ATSUM reiterated the student body will be forced to resume its suspended agitation under the code name " ROTO (Reckoning of Others) after October 12.

Some of the ATSUM's demands are the setting up of setting up of a separate commission for the Scheduled Tribe in Manipur which was demanded by the tribal students' body and assured by the state government; securing the proper functioning of Hill Area Committee (HAC) under Article 371(C); healthcare and education.

"Article 371 (C) exists but it has not been implemented in letter and spirit in the five hill districts of Manipur," pointed out ATSUM while adding, "It has been systematically suppressed by the state through bureaucratic manipulations," alleged the ATSUM leaders".

It said the Village Authority Act under the Hill areas' Autinomous District Council (ADC) Act of 1971, has not been in use.