Air connectivity between Manipur and Myanmar on the cards

Imphal, Aug 1 : With an aim to boost the relationship between Manipur and Myanmar to the maximum, apart from the already existing land connectivity, giving of more impetus on air connectivity between Manipur and Myanmar is on the cards, Gautam Mukhopadhyay, India's ambassador-designate to Myanmar, has informed.

Speaking during an interaction session at Hotel Classic here today where Govindas Konthoujam, Minister for Commerce and Industries also participated, Gautam Mukhopadhyay stated that Manipur is the biggest land route which connects India with other South East Asian Countries through Myanmar.

Through this relationship, Myanmar can not only gain from Manipur but Manipur can also gain a lot from Myanmar in certain areas.

He further said that to strengthen the relationship between Manipur and Myanmar, air connectivity is all set to develop in addition to the existing land connectivity.

Since Manipur is the connecting point between India and the South East Asian Countries, the State is going to get many benefits.

The Government of India is also taking up specific strategies to develop the road and bridges connectivity between the two, he added.

He also informed that he had met with Chief Minister O Ibobi and discussed the matter.

IFC Minister I Hemochandra; Secretary to Governor, RK Nimai, Principal Secretary, Commerce and Industries, O Nabakishore and others were also present during the interaction session.