Three Cheers for the HAFLONG Girl

It was really sad to see on TV that an Army Personnel was chased by a young girl with a stone in her hand and she with her full strength was hurling stones towards this army man. What ever may be the reasons but the courage and conviction of this young girl is really appreciable. In the insurgency environment where the Army is deployed such incidents are bound to make it to headlines. I will not comment on the reasons or the misuse of the special powers bestowed upon the Army or the remedial measures since these are political, military and law & order problems but shall restrict myself to the footage that was repeatedly aired yesterday on national channels. Firstly I would recommend that the highest bravery award of the country to be conferred to this young brave girl who rose to uphold her dignity in the circumstances and environment where even the bravest shy away from moral responsibility towards the society. Secondly the Army authorities must take this as a warning from the local population and constitute remedial measures, which I am very certain will be done. Thirdly the Army personnel who was involved must be tried and suitably punished.
What really surprised me from the footage is that the civil population and the other Army personnel near the place of incident appeared to be mute spectators to the complete incident and were in no way enthusiastic to resolve the issue. They (society) are the biggest culprits in the whole incident which is really very sad. What would have been the outcome if in the same circumstances the offender would have been a police personnel????? I am sure the outcome would have been very different and for this reason I would like to appreciate the actions of the Army personnel who in a way accepted or had realised that some wrong has been done and their actions on the footage clearly highlight the same.