ZSF clarification on Guite road construction impasses

Churachandpur, Feb 9 : The Zomi Students' Federation(ZSF) General Headquarters, in a press release signed by Smith K.Simte on behalf of the Churachandpur based Civil Organisations would like to highlight and reacting to the news reports published in local papers on February 5, regarding a meeting held at Chief Minister's office on Guite road construction clarified certain points.

The release stated that in total contrast to the news stories stating that the BRO declined proposal of the state Government construction of Guite road in Churachandpur District, "it is highly worthy to mention thant on Febuary 2009 the Ministry of Defence,Government of India has approved to improve/develop four strategic roads including Teddim Road(Churachandpur) Singat-BEhiang 52 kms and Guite road(Singat-Sinzawl-Dialkhai-117 kms) to be funded by Ministry of Defence under GS-fund and the same has been conveyed by the Chief Engineer, project sewak,BRO HQ to the Government of Manipur and the later(ie Government of mAnipur/Chief Secretary is to issue direction,to the state PWD to hand over Guite road to BRO immediately(vide irder No-28008/GS/37/E2 Plg dated 29-02-2009)" The release asserted that "the news item filed in this regard are totally baseless and concocted".

The release further stated that "contrary to the news item published,on the said meeting on 4th Febuary,2010 the Commander of 25 BRO Brig Balraj Singh assured the participating parties that BRO is well-prepared and ever ready to shoulder the responsibility and initiate construction work of Guite road (after 6 months latest by October 2010) if the said Road is handed over to BRO as per the state cabinet decision taken on 2nd September-2006 and as per the aspirations and insistence of the Civil organisations in Churachandpur".

At the meeting, the release went to say that the Civil organizations requested the state Government to divert the balance amount of Rs.50 crore funded by NEC to repair/renovate Churachandpur-Sugnu road as it has been done earlier to improve roads several parts within the state.

"This request is being brought about to test the sincerity and commitment of the SPF Government to their much trumpeted effort or achievement in bringing development in the Hill area of the state in par with the Valley areas".

The Civil organizations suggested that the balance amount of Rs.50 crore be utilized/diverted in other works or the same be returned to the funding agency (NEC), according to the release.

Further the civil organizations expressed its strong desire to see the work handed over to BRO, nothing less, nothing more.

said the statement.