Dr. Manhattan's Penis offends Conservative Critics


"Forget trying to maneuver your way through all the mixed reactions to Watchmen crowding the interweb today. There’s only one question you need to answer, apparently, in order to make up your mind whether or not to see the highly anticipated adaptation: are you okay with a massive blue penis in an R-rated comic book movie, or will you be offended and demand an apology from the MPAA? Over at the site Movieguide, which is partnered with The Christian Film & Television Commission, organization chairman and “spokesmen” (is he multiple people?) Dr. Ted Baehr is quoted as saying Watchmen should have received an NC-17 rating for its constant display of male anatomy, and he claims the MPAA has agreed to bring the complaint to their ratings board."


Is there a lot of Jon's shiny, glowing blue dick in this movie? YES. Is it worth bringing a complaint to the ratings board about? No.

What do you think about all the penis shots in Watchmen? I know it sounds like mindless bullshit, but I don't think so. More and more film makers have been going the route of the cock shot lately; is America ready for it when the general public seems so prude and homophobic?